The Most Important Election of our Lifetime: Update, Briefing and Analysis
With David McCuan, Sonoma State University Professor, author and expert on American elections
Dr. McCuan’s sponsor is
Linda Lambert, WACSC Board Member
About the Program
Simply put, the 2024 elections will be the most pivotal since 1860 That’s right – in 164 years! With polls changing daily and sentiments at a fever pitch, we are honored to welcome the return of Dr. David McCuan, preeminent expert on American elections. With The Most Important Election of Our Lifetime: Update, Briefing and Analysis, David McCuan will bring us the inside thinking on candidates, voting dynamics, and party prospects.
Among issues to discuss: how the national tickets match up, shifts in the electorate, conditions affecting the vote, and prospects for both major parties up and down the ballot.
The timing of this talk could not be better, as the first presidential debate is back on the table for just five days later! Then it will be the dash to election day on November 5th.
Date: Thursday, September 5, 2024
Time: 4:00 pm
Venue: Glaser Center,
547 Mendocino Ave, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
Cost: WACSC Members: $20
Non-Members: $30
(Wine & Cheese Reception Included)
Parking: On the street or in the parking garage
behind the Glaser Center
Registration Deadline: Sept 2
Health Note: We suggest that everyone
be vaccinated and wear a mask
Registration Now Closed
About Dr. McCuan
A key member of the SSU faculty for 22 years, David McCuan’s expertise rests in two broad areas -- American politics and international relations. With a Ph.D. is from the University of California, Riverside, at SSU he teaches courses in state and local politics, campaigns and elections, political behavior, and international politics, security and terrorism.
Dr. McCuan was a Fulbright Teaching Scholar in 2009-2010 in the Department of International Relations and European Studies at Masaryk University in the Czech Republic, where he taught courses in American security and foreign policy, and international terrorism.
He is the author of Initiative Centered Politics: The New Politics of Direct Democracy. We are honored to feature Dr. David McCuan on September 5, to speak on this all-important subject.