Membership Committee – Kerry Campbell-Price (
- Greeters – Welcome members/guests as they come into the event
- Work at the name tag table for the event
- Contact and welcome new members; answer questions, etc.
- Create and print nametags for members and guests (computer required)
Program Committee – Mike Morrison (
- Collaborate and share ideas with other committee members about possible speakers; assist other committee members in contacting potential speakers
- Stay aware of speakers who have addressed other WACs in the Bay Area, and speakers who have addressed other organizations; contact them and discuss coming to our meeting
- Look for potential speakers via radio/TV news programs and newspaper articles
- Keep an eye out for authors of books with pertinent topics
- Review the lists of faculty members at various educational/think tank institutions
- Sponsor speaker – Take care of the speaker when they come to speak (arrange hotel, dinner, etc.); introduce speaker at the meeting.
- AV coordination – work with our technician Patrick
Marketing and Communications Committee – David Beckman (
- Public Relations
- Monthly email communications
- Social Media
- Proofreaders
- Website administration
Academic World Quest Committee – Chris Nelle (
- Contact schools to describe program and enroll them
- Liaison with National AWQ for getting study guides
- Event coordination for local contest
- Arrange for the local winner to make trip to the national contest each year
- Coordinate annual scholarship award
In addition to our committees, WAC has a Book Club, led by Pat Mai (
- Meets on Zoom the 2nd Thursday of the month, 10:30 am to Noon, to discuss the chosen book
- Members volunteer to present books for consideration for the following month