Related Links

We are delighted to announce a wonderful new benefit for members of the World Affairs Council of the Sonoma County: a free annual subscription to GlobalPost. GlobalPost is an international daily newsletter whose sole mission is to help people know and understand the world better. GlobalPost searches for meaning and context in this immensely complex world and reports what they hear through their staff of deeply experienced journalists based in Europe, Asia and the United States. GlobalPost is proudly non-partisan and completely independent of all other media.

GlobalPost gives you the world in your inbox every weekday morning. It:

  • Presents stories in a way that is easy and quick to read on your phone, tablet, laptop or workstation.
  • Delivers broad geographic coverage, reporting on 154 countries.
  • Provides you with high-quality original source links, as well as access to archives, so you can dig deeper into the underlying issues.
  • Surveys all major, and many less well-known, high-quality global reporting sources each weekday to offer a unique perspective on the key global issues

World Affairs Council of Sonoma County is pleased to offer a free subscription to GlobalPost to its members.

Sign-up to receive GlobalPost HERE



Los Angeles World Affairs Council & Town Hall  Dan

Schnur Political Report: October 2024

The Home Stretch:  What To Look For in the Last Few Weeks Before The Election

Tuesday, October 15th, 2024

5:00 p.m. PDT

Register For Virtual Event HERE

It’s nearly impossible to find intelligent political analysis in today’s hyper-polarized and ideologically segregated information sphere. From Fox News to MSNBC — political commentators focus more on inflammatory bickering than the deep issues shaping all American political life. The Dan Schnur Political Report offers a different way to consume political information. Dan moves beyond the partisan noise to analyze the core issues and critical headlines shaping our world. Dan not only offers a fresh perspective to understand politics, he invites everyone into the conversation.

World Affairs Travel: sponsored by the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia

National publication discounts for World Affairs Council members:
Significant discounts are available to council members on such publications as The Economist, Foreign Affairs, Stratfor, World Affairs, World Policy Journal and Saudi Aramco World. There are also discounts available on books published by the Council on Foreign Relations, Center for Strategic and International Studies and the Brookings Institution.

For more information, call our hotline (707) 573-6014) or
World Affairs Council of America: (202) 833-4557.

Other Related Websites of Interest:

Great Decisions  is America’s largest discussion program on world affairs. The program model involves reading the Great Decisions Briefing Book, watching the DVD and meeting in a Discussion Group to discuss the most critical global issues facing America today.
Foreign Policy Association

Partial List of Other World Affairs Councils:
Albuquerque-WAC of Albuquerque
Boston- WAC of Boston
Chicago- Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Cleveland Council on World Affairs
Dallas-Ft Worth- WAC of Dallas/Fort Worth
Los Angeles- Los Angeles World Affairs Council
Palm Springs WAC of the Desert
Philadelphia-World Affairs Council Philadelphia
San Diego- World Affairs Council
San Francisco WAC of Northern California
Santa Fe Council on International Relations
Seattle WAC 

American Council on Germany
American Foreign Service Association
Brookings Institution
Center for Strategic and International Studies Foreign Policy Research Institute
Japan Center for International Exchange
Korean Economic Institute
Meridian International Center   in Washington, D.C.
Middle East Institute
Oakmont Sunday Symposium

WACSC is a member of 
World Affairs Councils of America:


Phone: (707) 573-6014



P.O. Box 1433

Santa Rosa, CA 95402

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World Affairs Council of Sonoma County is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt non-profit educational organization.

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